technology Quotes

Daoist thought is the root of science and technology in China.

Technology makes the world a new place.

Skin has become inadequate in interfacing with reality. Technology has become the body’s new membrane of existence.

Technology is making design more exciting, with color, wallpaper, textures, fabrics that could never have been created without the technology.

Bear in mind North Korea has been the leading source, a leading source of nuclear technology and of missile delivery systems to some of the world’s great rogues in Iran and Syria.

But I don’t think we’ll go there until we go back to the moon and develop a technology base for living and working and transporting ourselves through space.

People would like better batteries but they are wary of making investments. What is required is both a technology push and a market pull.

They are responsible for starting this relationship and wanting to help Africa. The United States is very well suited for this as they are a country that has the capacity, they have better access to technology and they are a successful country.

Like all tools, modern technology has produced some wonderful moments in music and also some horrors.

Content and technology are strange bed fellows. We are joined together. Sometimes we misunderstand each other. But isn’t that after all the definition of marriage?