Religion, you can’t a handle on it, you just have to know or not know-people either believe or they don’t believe.
We are pre-disposed for fantasy, there is a natural impulse for human beings to want to get off their heads or out of their heads in something in a substance or a drink or an idea or a religion which will comfort them and make life exciting.
Religion without morality is a superstition and a curse, and morality without religion is impossible.
I also don’t have organized religion on Pern. I figured – since there were four holy wars going on at the time of writing – that religion was one problem Pern didn’t need.
The courts are using the First Amendment to attack religion, when they should be using it to protect religion.
Americans should be free to recognize our religious heritage doing that is not the same as creating a government-sponsored religion.
Perhaps these Ten Commandments cases will be the turning point in the legal war against religion.