Religion is no more the parent of morality than an incubator is the mother of a chicken.
Civilisation has ever accompanied emigration and conquest – the conflict of opinion, of religion, or of race.
I appreciate the ‘Surreal Life.’ I had a really positive experience on that show, and with those people. I found some love in my heart for religion again, and had the support of a new family of friends. I wouldn’t have had the pleasure of meeting those people, if we were not all placed in that fishbowl.
Science may eventually explain the world of How. The ultimate world of Why may remain for contemplation, philosophy, religion.
I read Christopher McDougall’s book ‘Born to Run.’ If running were a religion, this would be its bible. I actually scribbled my favorite passages on my arm to read during the race.
Well, the first time I ran into the term religion, people were asking whether you had any. You know, some people had religion and some people didn’t have religion.