parenting Quotes

Relationships are complicated no matter what style of parenting you choose.

I’m worried about parents who aren’t parenting.

Of course, the ideal scenario for parenting is obviously two parents of a mature age.

The Golden Rule of Parenting is do unto your children as you wish your parents had done unto you!

I would like to do another piece of fiction dealing with a number of issues: Lesbian parenting, the 1960’s, and interracial relationships in the Lesbian and Gay community.

Parenting is the most important job on the planet next to keeping Gary Busey off the nation’s highways.

Indeed – judicious, consistent parenting is a dream of mine. No judgements, learning space and listening carefully are my goals.

I thought that once we were out of the baby stage, parenting would be a breeze.

Kids are a great analogy. You want your kids to grow up, and you don’t want your kids to grow up. You want your kids to become independent of you, but it’s also a parent’s worst nightmare: That they won’t need you. It’s like the real tragedy of parenting.

Screaming at children over their grades, especially to the point of the child’s tears, is child abuse, pure and simple. It’s not funny and it’s not good parenting. It is a crushing, scarring, disastrous experience for the child. It isn’t the least bit funny.