parenting Quotes

For decades, parents were told by so-called parenting ‘experts’ that offspring would be best raised on the belief each is special and entitled to all life has to offer.

Parenting is not for sissies. You have to sacrifice and grow up.

If there is any truth to my parenting the dreamwork movement, it comes from the power of the press.

I grew up with no money. My kids will grow up with a lot of money and so it’s really important to me, and it will always be a part of my parenting, to keep them conscientious and connected socially to other people.

Don’t reward bad behavior. It is one of the first rules of parenting. During the financial cataclysm of 2008, we said it differently. When we bailed out banks that had created their own misfortune, we called it a ‘moral hazard,’ because the bailout absolved the bank’s bad acts and created an incentive for it to make the same bad loans again.

Women are individuals in parenting, and why not?

While not impossible, it is especially challenging for teenage parents to develop bonds with their children. A high percent of them were themselves children of teenage parents and have never experienced appropriate parenting.

No, I’ve never wanted kids. But I do read about parenting a lot.

I’m trying to break any chain of negative parenting that I might have survived.

We must return optimism to our parenting. To focus on the joys, not the hassles the love, not the disappointments the common sense, not the complexities.