movingon Quotes

We are also fortunate in being in quite a sheltered environment, in terms of people moving on to do other things, because there are relatively few companies in Scotland that are looking for the skill set that we’ve developed.

I will be really happy once I have done my jail time. I can start fresh.

I actually think sadness and darkness can be very beautiful and healing.

I’m moving on. I should have made that clear when I made the announcement. I guess I wasn’t clear. If people think you’re leaving a show after all these years, you might be retiring. So I understand where they’re coming from, but I should have impressed the fact that I hope I’m just moving on right now.

I mean, don’t forget the earth’s about five thousand million years old, at least. Who can afford to live in the past?

Well I certainly have learned and I hope I’m moving on and certainly two years of prison was a terrible punishment.

The Marines was a fresh start – that is why they shave your head. I wish they would let you change your name.

Like anyone who goes to college, you’re leaving a familiar surrounding and a comfortable environment and your friends and everything, and you’re starting fresh. It can be pretty daunting.

There’s always something to suggest that you’ll never be who you wanted to be. Your choice is to take it or keep on moving.

So I won an Oscar. It’s amazing. I’ve got that for the rest of my life for a performance I am proud of. It nearly killed me. I am really proud of the film. That’s it, moving on.