movingon Quotes

Well I certainly have learned and I hope I’m moving on and certainly two years of prison was a terrible punishment.

The Marines was a fresh start – that is why they shave your head. I wish they would let you change your name.

Like anyone who goes to college, you’re leaving a familiar surrounding and a comfortable environment and your friends and everything, and you’re starting fresh. It can be pretty daunting.

There’s always something to suggest that you’ll never be who you wanted to be. Your choice is to take it or keep on moving.

So I won an Oscar. It’s amazing. I’ve got that for the rest of my life for a performance I am proud of. It nearly killed me. I am really proud of the film. That’s it, moving on.

I kind of came to the conclusion after I did finally get married that love and relationships are just a series of horrific losses with hopefully one win.

Suffering isn’t ennobling, recovery is.

What’s that line from TS Eliot? To arrive at the place where you started, but to know it for the first time. I’m able to write about a breakup from a different place. Same brokenness. Same rock-bottom. But a little more informed, now I’m older. Thank God for growing up.

The words of kindness are more healing to a drooping heart than balm or honey.

Who can’t relate to the idea of leaving one chapter behind and moving on to the next?