Friendship Quotes

China has been committed to the independent foreign policy of peace and has developed friendship and cooperation with all countries on the basis of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence.

We became friends as we became a band. Our friendship evolved as the band evolved. It had its ups and downs, but it was mostly ups for the four of us. We got along well almost all of the time. Hey! We liked each other and we still do.

I think quite a lot of people have a friendship or a love that’s gone like that and it never quite reconciles properly.

Today, I, too, wish to reaffirm that I intend to continue on the path toward improved relations and friendship with the Jewish people, following the decisive lead given by John Paul II.

You are almost not free, if you are teaching a group of graduate students, to become friends with one of them. I don’t mean anything erotically charged, just a friendship.

I come from the New York theatre world, and I have a lot of gay male friends, so this friendship of Will and Grace’s isn’t such a stretch.

My last public performance for money was in 1967. For free, it was 1972, with the exception of two little one-shot, one-song things. But that’s just for friends, out of friendship for the people involved, and also because it was fun.

Friendship is inexplicable, it should not be explained if one doesn’t want to kill it.

I noticed that no matter where I went in the country, there was this group of questions that got asked. I would track them and keep them in categories. Like body image, school, family, friendship, you name it, the emotional life of a teenage girl.

Neatness begets order but from order to taste there is the same difference as from taste to genius, or from love to friendship.