Friendship Quotes

Never be afraid to meet to the hilt the demand of either work, or friendship – two of life’s major assets.

Ray Bradbury is, for many reasons, the most influential writer in my life. Throughout our long friendship, Ray supplied not only his terrific stories but a grand model of what a writer could be, should be, and yet rarely is: brilliant and charming and accessible, willing to tolerate and to teach, happy to inspire but also to be inspired.

In the name of the United States and President Bush, I want to thank the Mexican people, President Fox and his government for their friendship.

Only solitary men know the full joys of friendship. Others have their family but to a solitary and an exile his friends are everything.

I loved my 17 years with R.E.M., but I’m ready to reflect, assess and move on to a different phase of my life. The four of us will continue our close friendship, and I look forward to hearing their future efforts as the world’s biggest R.E.M. fan.

Working with people, the musical part is one thing but the personal part is totally different and just as critical. If the friendship is there and it’s a lasting friendship, then it will take care of itself.

My reputation is too important to put it aside for purposes of some friendship. We have a job to do.

Although the troops have struck us, we throw it all behind and are glad to meet you in peace and friendship.

The ideal of all Kosovo is membership in the E.U. and a permanent friendship with the United States. I believe and I am convinced our dreams will come true.

Throughout its history, the international Olympic Committee has struggled to spread its ideal of fraternity, friendship, peace and universal understanding.