women Quotes

Nature makes woman to be won and men to win.

A lot of women say they love being pregnant, but I wasn’t such a big fan.

Women today have more of an overview of their lives and how marriage is or is not a part of it.

I think women are excellent social critics.

The appalling thing is the degree of charity women are capable of. You see it all the time… love lavished on absolute fools. Love’s a charity ward, you know.

I believe women still face a glass ceiling that must be shattered.

Women like to sit down with trouble – as if it were knitting.

I’ll always prefer to play with women and hang out with women, and I’ll always be a feminist.

Women are frightening. If you get to 41 as a man, you’re quite battle-scarred.

All issues are women’s issues – and there are several that are just women’s business.