women Quotes

I love to wear lingerie. The problem is that men always rip it off too quickly. When women are dolled up in lingerie they feel sexy. So let us wear it for five minutes.

I think the most important thing people can do to save our planet and the human race is to empower women!

I’m so sick of hearing how there’s no strong roles for women. I don’t care about strong roles. I just want to see women who are characters! A nun, a serial killer, a housewife, as long as there’s some depth there.

I feel sorry… for people who’ve had skinny privilege and then have it taken away from them. I have had a lifetime to adjust to seeing how people treat women who aren’t their idea of beautiful and therefore aren’t their idea of useful, and I had to find ways to become useful to myself.

The women’s movement hasn’t changed my sex life. It wouldn’t dare.

Men are going to go out on the road and they’re going to find other women. So if you really want to save yourself a whole lot of heartache, do not fall in love with somebody in a band. Just don’t.

There are women who make things better, there are women who change things, there are women who make things happen, who make a difference. I want to be one of those women.

Men don’t know much about women. We do know when they’re happy. We know when they’re crying, and we know when they’re pissed off. We just don’t know in what order these are gonna come at us.

I grew up in a family where the women were just nuts. They didn’t stand around in cardigans making polite conversation while they chopped tomatoes.

Women are more skilled than men at making gossip entertaining.