Wisdom Quotes

I am not one who was born in the custody of wisdom I am one who is fond of olden times and intense in quest of the sacred knowing of the ancients.

It may be assumed as an axiom that Providence has never gifted any political party with all of political wisdom or blinded it with all of political folly.

Wisdom prepares for the worst, but folly leaves the worst for the day when it comes.

But the law of God came from heaven indeed. God wrote it with his finger, it is the fountain of all wisdom, and therefore shall it continue for ever, and never have an end.

Wisdom is a kind of knowledge. It is knowledge of the nature, career, and consequences of human values.

They are few in the midst of an overwhelming mass of brute force, and their submission is wisdom but for a nation like England to submit to be robbed by any invader who chooses to visit her shores seemed to me to be nonsense.

There’s always a miasma of misinformation emerging from the higher education sector as to which are the ‘best’ courses to take. My advice would always be to ignore the perceived wisdom and look for the most reliable evidence on the ground.

Memory is not wisdom idiots can by rote repeat volumes. Yet what is wisdom without memory?

I continue to believe, contrary to the given wisdom, that it’s more interesting to have an album – or, indeed, an individual song – which has variety rather than homogeneity.

Writing is no dying art form in America because most published writers here accept the wisdom and the necessity of encouraging the talent that follows in their footsteps.