Wisdom Quotes

Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.

In regard of the rich grace and wisdom of his love toward his people for who sees not, but that it is a curse to be unready as these foolish virgins, who were therefore shut out.

Knowledge is a process of piling up facts wisdom lies in their simplification.

The result showed the wisdom of your orders.

I actually think with age comes some level of wisdom.

This ceremony and the intellectual aura associated with the Nobel Prizes have grown from the wisdom of a practical chemist who wrote a remarkable will.

Wisdom denotes the pursuing of the best ends by the best means.

A proverb is the wisdom of many and the wit of one.

Yale is a crucible in American life for the accommodation of intellectual achievement, of wisdom, of refinement, with the democratic ideals of openness, of social justice and of equal opportunity.

Hatred is corrosive of a person’s wisdom and conscience the mentality of enmity can poison a nation’s spirit, instigate brutal life and death struggles, destroy a society’s tolerance and humanity, and block a nation’s progress to freedom and democracy.