Now, therefore, the Directors of the company are hereby ordered to see that precautions are taken to make travel on said railroad perfectly safe by using a screw with at least twenty-four inches diameter.
Sometimes I envy people who can be only half crazy, with one foot in the passion and one foot in the real world. But that’s not me. I dive into the total crazy experience. That’s the only way to travel.
Wherever we go, across the Pacific or Atlantic, we meet, not similarity so much as ‘the bizarre’. Things astonish us, when we travel, that surprise nobody else.
Actually, I started to become an actress because I met someone who was just a friend and I found his life wonderful, I thought, Oh my god, you can travel, you’re free, you can do what you want, you’re the boss. And then I met an actor and I was in love with him.
I sometimes think that Thomas Cook should be numbered among the secular saints. He took travel from the privileged and gave it to the people.
We need affordable space travel to inspire our youth, to let them know that they can experience their dreams, can set significant goals and be in a position to lead all of us to future progress in exploration, discovery and fun. Thanks to the X Prize for the inspiration.