strength Quotes

The best translations cannot convey to us the strength and exquisite delicacy of thought in its native garb, and he to whom such books are shut flounders about in outer darkness.

They just didn’t have the sense of the strength of their vote. Just thought it wasn’t necessary.

Part of my strength as an actor comes from what I’ve learned all these years: when you play a villain, you try to get the light touches when you play a hero, you try to get in some of the warts.

I love sharing my knowledge of hitting with others. Now coaches and players at all levels can learn my systematic approach to hitting a baseball with more consistency, mental strength and accuracy.

I have always been an outstanding football player, I have always had uncanny abilities, great arm strength, an immense ability to play the game from a quarterback standpoint. The problem was that I wasn’t given the liberty to do certain things when I was young.

You can manage 50 people through the strength of your personality and lack of sleep. You can touch them all in a week and make sure they’re all pointed in the right direction.

I’d like to be a wounded leading man. Instead of a pillar of strength, I’d be the scared one.

My mother was the dearest, sweetest angel. She didn’t talk she sang. She was a tower of strength.

Use gentle means before you come to extremity, and whatever lesson you work him, and never take above half his strength, nor ride him till he is weary, but a little at a time and often.

Senator Douglas was very small, not over four and a half feet height, and there was a noticeable disproportion between the long trunk of his body and his short legs. His chest was broad and indicated great strength of lungs.