All respect for the office of the presidency aside, I assumed that the obvious and unadulterated decline of freedom and constitutional sovereignty, not to mention the efforts to curb the power of judicial review, spoke for itself.
We sincerely hope that south Asian countries will respect and live in amity with each other, and achieve common development, and that south Asia will enjoy peace, stability and prosperity.
Over the course of time this gave us a deep respect for ideas, both our own and those of others, and an understanding that conflict through debate is a powerful means of revealing truth.
As an actor, you just want to work, and then you just want to be on a show or have a job that you love, and you hope that job will last – those things have happened. To have that platform to then talk about something that is very personal to me like marriage equality, it feels like a gift. I try and really respect that voice and not abuse it.
In parallel with the development of my interests in technical gadgetry I began to acquire a profound love of and respect for the natural world which motivates my scientific thinking to this day.
I just want the same thing Joe Montana got when he was MVP. He got respect. He got commercials. He got everything.
The intelligence failures with respect to Iraq were massive and have damaged our credibility around the world.
I am very proud to come back, to speak on the disinterested effort we have made and I believe that, with all due respect, that the decisions we made, when we turned our final report over to President Johnson, will stand in history.
I have women coming up to me and saying: ‘I love your character! She’s so empowered. She takes control she gets what she wants.’ That’s another side of her. And I respect that in Joan. She says and does things that I would never allow myself to do.