relationship Quotes

One of the things I’ve started doing lately is tracking my dreams. I feel like there’s a lot of information there and you can really bring those emotions to the situations that may feel mundane or familiar. That gives them new life and gives you a new relationship with it – if that makes any sort of sense.

They are representations of many shared hours of collaboration between us all. That’s the real nature of the relationship the orchestra and I are trying to build.

It would be nice if I did have a good relationship with my family, and yes, part of me longs to have a mum and dad who love and accept me for who I am. But if they never do, it’s OK.

And harmony means that the relationship between all the elements used in a composition is balanced, is good.

I always felt sorry for the sidekick as a kid. They never got their due and it left a very bad taste in the mouth – they are defined by a subordinate relationship to someone else. I always felt like a bit of sidekick when I was a kid and it didn’t feel fair.

Royalties are not how most writers or musicians make their living. Musicians by and large make a living with a relationship with an audience that is economically harnessed through performance and ticket sales.

I have a beautiful son, I don’t regret it, I’m very proud of the way that we handle our relationship and the way that we keep our son first and that’s our priority.

The key to successful missionary work is a close relationship between the missionaries and the members. Creating an environment in working with members that will bring more into the Church.

If you have parents with a healthy relationship, you don’t learn that you don’t have to be married. I thought being a healthy adult meant you had to have a spouse. I didn’t know any different.

A Bush Administration will, I believe, enjoy a better relationship with the new Congress, although President-elect Bush will be faced with real challenges in getting along with the Congress.