relationship Quotes

There is a responsibility on all companies to look at the quantum of pay and the relationship between the top and the bottom.

Government health care changes the relationship between the citizen and the state, and, in fact, I think it’s an assault on citizenship.

Mr. Geithner is an excellent minister. We have a good personal relationship.

Sometimes you can forget about who you are in a relationship. But you can also be inspired by the person you are with to become something you always knew you wanted to become.

Let me say again that the relationship is asymmetrical: there’s no democracy without a market economy, but you can have a market economy without democracy.

There’s been a long-standing relationship between me and individual members of the Green Party.

Our institute’s agenda is relatively simple. We study the relationship between social-economic change and culture. By culture we mean beliefs, values and lifestyles. We cover a broad range of issues, and we work very internationally.

Sidney Poitier became a star in part by helping black and white Americans negotiate their new relationship in the post-Civil Rights era.

And it is because a series of elements in Spanish life which operate today the same way as they did in the times of Blanco White made obvious my relationship with him, based on a similarity in Spain’s condition.

At first we got along real well. Now… it’s pretty much just a professional relationship.