relationship Quotes

But even after the first week, when Hart got out of the presidential race because of the Washington Post’s threat to reveal a long-term relationship Hart had apparently been having with a prominent Washington woman, the media continued to embellish my past.

And on top of that, when we work together we have a wonderful working relationship we push each other we challenge each other we laugh 80% of the time that we are together we’re very fortunate.

I have tried to preserve in my relationship to the film the same closeness and intimacy that exists between a painter and his canvas.

You don’t want to be in a relationship with someone who’s scared of you.

The relationship between an actor and a director is like a love story between a man and a woman. I’m sure sometimes I’m the woman.

I’ve had four amazing men in my life, very strong, powerful, wonderful men. I certainly will have a relationship with someone but I don’t think I will get married again.

Androgyny is not trying to manage the relationship between the opposites it is simply flowing between them.

There are very few people that I deal with from a business side that it’s just strictly a one-sided business relationship. I think that’s important.

I wish I had a great relationship with my mother.

I have a really great relationship with God. I pray. I read the Bible.