poetry Quotes

I could no more define poetry than a terrier can define a rat.

I wrote The Green Eye of the Little Yellow God in five hours, but I had it all planned out. It isn’t poetry and it does not pretend to be, but it does what it sets out to do.

I’m looking for a guy who makes you want to dance and write poetry all day long.

Poetry is a matter of life, not just a matter of language.

Some say they see poetry in my paintings I see only science.

I didn’t want to deal in poetry. I got rid of that after a few months.

For me, poetry is always a search for order.

Poetry is a sort of homecoming.

Women who are inclined to write poetry at all are inspired by being mad at something.

Poetry is an art, and chief of the fine art the easiest to dabble in, the hardest in which to reach true excellence.