pet Quotes

When you want a break from dogs, and you take them to the kennel to the stars, no one thinks you’re a bad pet owner. But when you have kids, you can’t drop them off for three weeks without someone calling Child Protective Services!

A pet store is a celebration of dogs’ existence and an explosion of options. About cats, a pet store seems to say, ‘Here, we couldn’t think of anything else.’ Cats are the Hanukkah of the animal world in this way. They are feted quietly and happily by a minority, but there’s only so much hoopla applicable to them.

I love animals and feel very strongly that people should not be allowed to buy a pet if they are not able to look after it.

Humans should always exercise and watch what they eat. So with your pet, make sure they get enough exercise, make sure they’re getting fed at the same time every day and getting the nutrition they need. And make sure they get a lot of love and attention you both need. That’s why you have them!

It doesn’t work if the bad guys kill his mother’s uncle’s friend’s neighbor’s pet dog. You’ve got to make the stakes high.

Environmentalists hate sprawl – except when it comes to the size of their expansive pet legislation on Capitol Hill.

One of my pet peeves is that sometimes the talents of my band get overlooked because, and it was the same problem that Frank Zappa had, with a lot of groups that use humor, people don’t realize there’s a lot of craft behind the comedy.

I have a lot of plants and fish and a pet lizard and Venus flytraps. I have a whole ecosystem in my room, like a running waterfall and different lights and sensors set on digital timers.

I have a pet lizard named Puff, five goldfish – named Pinky, Brain, Jowels, Pearl and Sandy, an oscar fish named Chef, two pacus, an albino African frog named Whitey, a bonsai tree, four Venus flytraps, a fruit fly farm and sea monkeys.

I’m scared to death of being poor. It’s like a fat girl who loses 500 pounds but is always fat inside. I grew up poor and will always feel poor inside. It’s my pet paranoia.