patience Quotes

As a young boy, I read ‘Cheaper by the Dozen’ and immediately became neurotic about my use of time. It taxed me severely, but only for the next 50 years. But I think it also allowed me to discipline myself to sit in the chair and be a writer, where one of the most needed qualities is patience.

Difficult years lie ahead, patience is required.

If you have confidence you have patience. Confidence, that is everything.

So it’s been a slow process and it’s taken some patience. That’s why patients are called patients I think – patience is required.

I’ve done an awful lot of stuff that’s a monument to public patience.

I’ve learned the importance of loving what you do. I have also learned more patience due to the nature of the music business.

To understand a difficult topic like Iraq takes patience and care. Unfortunately, you rarely hear a patient, careful or thoughtful discussion of intelligence these days.

I haven’t got a lot of patience.

Beauty, unlike the rest of the gifts handed out at birth, does not require dedication, patience and hard work to pay off. But it’s also the only gift that does not keep on giving.

Anyhow, a philosophical turn of thought now was not amiss, else one’s patience would have given out almost at the harbour entrance. The term of her probation was eight days.