nature Quotes

Women, by their nature, are not exceptional chess players: they are not great fighters.

While a case can be made for intelligent design, I can’t figure out why some Christians are so thrilled about that possibility. First of all, it doesn’t prove there’s a God. If anything, intelligent design lends support to some form of pantheism that defines God as immanent within nature.

The structure of life I have described in buildings – the structure which I believe to be objective – is deeply and inextricably connected with the human person, and with the innermost nature of human feeling.

I realise that in this undertaking I place myself in a certain opposition to views widely held concerning the mathematical infinite and to opinions frequently defended on the nature of numbers.

The skull is nature’s sculpture.

Close elections tend to break toward the challenger because undecided voters – having held out so long against the incumbent – are by nature looking for change.

English majors understand human nature better than economists do.

Is human nature basically good or evil? No economist can embark upon his profession without considering this question, and yet they all seem to. And they all seem to think human nature is basically good, or they wouldn’t be surprised by the effects of deregulation.

People have always wanted to be recognized, and that’s human nature. But people used to want to be recognized for their accomplishments, and now they simply want to be visible.

Listen, if there’s one sure-fire rule that I have learned in this business, it’s that I don’t know anything about human nature.