movies Quotes

The next thing I knew, I was out of the service and making movies again. My first picture was called, GI Blues. I thought I was still in the army.

Everyone related to me in my circle was from church: church friends, church school, church activities. All my friends weren’t allowed to watch MTV or go to PG-13 movies or listen to the radio, so I didn’t really know anything different. That’s how I was raised.

I’ve seen many, many movies over the years, and there are only a few that suddenly inspire you so much that you want to continue to make films.

Movies have takes. But plays are like life – you don’t really get takes.

I’m very much into the costuming of any character that I portray and it’s one of the great things about making movies is it’s a collaborative art form so you get all these artists who are looking specifically about for this instance your character’s costume and what that might tell about your character.

Dude, I didn’t say Jude Law can’t act. I didn’t say Jude Law was in bad movies. I just said he’s in every movie.

I love doing normal things – movies, shopping, going out with friends, writing, reading, taking hot bubble baths – that’s a big one for relaxation. I also love to go to art and history museums.

My movies are okay, but they’re not my specials.

I’m not bragging but my movies have grossed well over a billion dollars.

I’m obsessed with zombies. I like watching zombie movies and I read zombie books.