money Quotes

Neither money nor position can atone to me for low birth.

London changes because of money. It’s real estate. If they can build some offices or expensive apartments they will, it’s money that changes everything in a city.

What is there that money will not do?

When I left 20th Century-Fox to freelance, my agent believed that getting big money was the way to establish real importance in our industry.

When it comes to money nobody should give up anything.

My recollection is – and I’d have to confirm this – but I don’t recall paying any money to go to law school.

You cannot drive a system that’s going to be aiming at preventing illness if everyone is not in it. The whole gaming of health insurance and health care in America is based on that fundamental principle: insure people who aren’t sick and you don’t have to pay more money on them.

Well, I thought the deal was, when you went to work for the government you weren’t supposed to make money!

If I feel strongly, I say it. I know I can do more good by being vocal than by staying quiet. I’d have a whole lot more money if I lied, but I wouldn’t enjoy spending it.

I couldn’t relate to kid stuff. ‘Jimmy doesn’t like me!’ Who cares? I was worried we didn’t have gas money or food. Those were my concerns.