legal Quotes

I don’t plan on going back to legal work. I wanted an international career, and finance seemed to be where some interesting career opportunities were.

I have a book coming out in September, for example, where the plot concerns counterfeiting, and I had to do a lot of research on that. Or on any legal matters, for example, I have to do a lot of research online.

For centuries we have been living in the society where not laws but people ruled, where there was no legal state.

There are obviously legal restrictions on what you can do on TV in the States, as there are everywhere.

While there continues to be differences, the important point is that all citizens and elected officials use democratic and legal avenues for solving those differences.

It is curious that, with my somewhat antinomian tendencies, I should have gone to Trinity Hall – which was, and is, before all a Law College – and should thus have been thrown into close touch with the legal element in life.

So, I’m getting less chips, paying the same amount of money. Is that legal for them to do this?

My job is to interpret the law based on how the legislature and the court has done it and then, of course, to use our system of justice to develop some new legal tools and new concepts.

Unless you have a perception of who you are as a lawyer, you will never be at ease in dealing with legal matters, clients, or courts. But if you know who you are and why you’re there, all you need is the expertise and the information.

We’re involved right now in some very significant legal battles and it would be the wrong thing for me to do to step out in the middle of those battles.