Writing a novel is not merely going on a shopping expedition across the border to an unreal land: it is hours and years spent in the factories, the streets, the cathedrals of the imagination.
The worlds I paint leave a lot to engage the imagination by hinting at what lies beyond the four edges of the painting. I think getting beyond the four edges of an opportunity or challenge is one of the basic skills you need in business.
I think reading is important for a variety of things. I mean, first of all, it’s a way to get information and find out what’s going on in the world. But also, it helps your imagination.
When you’re young you have no worries, no drama, only your imagination. It’s the best!
I think we’re all a little afraid of the dark. If you lived in the country, as I did, there’s nothing quite like country dark, which was really black. And as a child, your imagination runs wild.
By going over your day in imagination before you begin it, you can begin acting successfully at any moment.
A child who has never fantasized about having other parents is seriously lacking in imagination.
You expect far too much of a first sentence. Think of it as analogous to a good country breakfast: what we want is something simple, but nourishing to the imagination.
Now, I’m a failed political consultant. But sometimes fiction has a way of capturing people’s imagination in a way that non-fiction doesn’t. Conservatives typically haven’t written much fiction – specifically political thrillers – over the years to educate, inspire and mobilize people on issues of great import, but we ought to.