History has demonstrated that the most notable winners usually encountered heartbreaking obstacles before they triumphed. They won because they refused to become discouraged by their defeats.
Much of the social history of the Western world, over the past three decades, has been a history of replacing what worked with what sounded good.
It is remarkable how closely the history of the apple tree is connected with that of man.
To correct a natural indifference I was placed half-way between misery and the sun. Misery kept me from believing that all was well under the sun, and the sun taught me that history wasn’t everything.
So that the record of history is absolutely crystal clear. That there is no alternative way, so far discovered, of improving the lot of the ordinary people that can hold a candle to the productive activities that are unleashed by a free enterprise system.
Hegel was right when he said that we learn from history that man can never learn anything from history.
Those who weep for the happy periods which they encounter in history acknowledge what they want not the alleviation but the silencing of misery.
Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is God’s gift, that’s why we call it the present.