government Quotes

When the people fear the government, there is tyranny. When the government fears the people, there is liberty.

The mistakes made by Congress wouldn’t be so bad if the next Congress didn’t keep trying to correct them.

There are three species of government: republican, monarchical, and despotic.

But no one has yet succeeded in reducing the size or scope of the federal government.

Government alone cannot solve the problems we deal with in our correctional facilities, treatment centers, homeless shelters and crisis centers – we need our faith-based and community partners.

As a governor, I am naturally inclined to focus on the domestic side of protecting the United States.

But let us remember, at the same time, government is sacred, and not to be trifled with.

The fact that political ideologies are tangible realities is not a proof of their vitally necessary character. The bubonic plague was an extraordinarily powerful social reality, but no one would have regarded it as vitally necessary.

Talk is cheap – except when Congress does it.

The danger is not that a particular class is unfit to govern: every class is unfit to govern.