government Quotes

We are the ones looking out for the middle class. Who do think pays for the endless expansion of government? Its middle class taxpayers. Our reforms protect middle class taxpayers.

As the economy faces such difficulties, more tough questions need to be asked about what the Tories would do if elected. Their ideology of free markets and small government needs challenging. That has to be part of our job.

It’s become unfashionable to celebrate political achievement, and Labour achievement even less so. And it’s positively uncouth to be proud of something that this Labour government is doing. So, slam me for saying so, but I’m really proud of the NHS.

We in the Labour party know better than most that opposition is the easy part. What’s more difficult is governing and setting out an agenda for government.

People create jobs, not the government.

If you want to change the way your banking system is regulated, if you want to learn the mistakes of what’s gone wrong, then you have to change your government.

Although my seat is a contest between Labour and the Lib Dems, it could well make the difference between a Labour and a Tory government at the next election. In terms of international development, this choice is a very clear one.

I was very happy being a secretary. I loved working for the government. I was very happy with my life.

One of those promises was to limit the size of government and to have the government serve the people – and not the other way around.

In Scotland, the indication is that for the Westminster elections at least, Labour voters are satisfied with their government.