experience Quotes

My feeling about work is it’s much more about the experience of doing it than the end product. Sometimes things that are really great and make lots of money are miserable to make, and vice versa.

Music and language are a vital element. We, as actors and directors, offer it to people who want to experience it. Sometimes the actual meaning is less important than the words themselves.

It is brilliant going to the theatre and being forced to sit and listen and think about life. It can be almost a near-religious experience.

And actually, about three weeks ago, Micky, Peter and I were in Vegas at the MGM Grand. And we did about 12 shows in seven days. It was quite an experience.

A man of conviction is often more to be desired than a man of experience.

You’re working on being a father, so that is something that when you experience it you’ll understand the profundity of wanting to protect something dear to you.

Dramatic experience is not logical it may be subdued to the kind of coherence that we indicate when we speak, in criticism, of form.

No student of Chinese history can say that the Chinese are incapable of religious experience, even when judged by the standards of medieval Europe or pious India.

So if I have two pieces of cake, do I have twice as good an experience as the first piece of cake? One of the things I’ve found in life is that the first piece of cake is the best.

My advice would be to write what is most personal and specific to your experience or your life. And your voice will emerge and because of its specificity, it will be universal.