education Quotes

We do recognise the need to move towards the publication of information showing the progress made by pupils from one stage of their education to another.

I grew up in an non-athletic family, where my parents were interested in music, in literature, in education and art.

A constitutional democracy is in serious trouble if its citizenry does not have a certain degree of education and civic virtue.

A lot of people criticize the primaries, but I think they are absolutely essential to the education of the President of the United States.

It was clear to me that the forms of consciousness of our inherited and acquired historical education – aesthetic consciousness and historical consciousness – presented alienated forms of our true historical being.

In England, literary pretence is more universal than elsewhere from our method of education.

I’d repair our education system or replace it with something that works.

Even on education, his one accomplishment, the Leave No Child Behind Act, and he has left it unfunded.

When you Google me, you’ll find a lot of people don’t like Richard Dreyfuss. Because I’m cocky and I present a cocky attitude. But no one has ever disagreed with the notion I represent, that we need more civic education. So far there’s 100 percent support for that.

I feel like in America, we don’t have a kid problem. You think about all these issues that these kids are dealing with, we have an adult problem. We have adults that do not place the priority on our kids to get a valuable education.