Instead of joyfully looking forward to my birth, my mother began systematically preparing for her own death. She was fatalistic.
We burned to death 100,000 Japanese civilians in Tokyo – men, women and children. LeMay recognized that what he was doing would be thought immoral if his side had lost. But what makes it immoral if you lose and not immoral if you win?
It’s normally the kiss of death to be identified as a rising star, or someone to watch.
Over the past 50 years we got versions of X-ray specs and space vacations, and even death rays. But the X-ray specs don’t fit on your face – they’re big things that screen your luggage for guns. Space vacations are real, but they cost $20 million. We have death rays, but you have to be a triple Ph.D. to play with them.
They can rule the world while they can persuade us our pain belongs in some order is death by famine worse than death by suicide, than a life of famine and suicide…?
There’s stuff I don’t like to rehearse, really emotional things, I don’t like to rehearse. You just beat it to death.
Nobody with an IQ higher than emergency-room temperature could ever believe that ‘death panels’ would be appointed to nudge the elderly toward euthanasia. Yet for idle entertainment, it’s hard to beat Sarah Palin’s ignorant nattering on the subject.