death Quotes

Wild animals never kill for sport. Man is the only one to whom the torture and death of his fellow creatures is amusing in itself.

True love makes the thought of death frequent, easy, without terrors it merely becomes the standard of comparison, the price one would pay for many things.

There is nothing which at once affects a man so much and so little as his own death.

I do not believe that any man fears to be dead, but only the stroke of death.

Once you accept your own death, all of a sudden you’re free to live. You no longer care about your reputation. You no longer care except so far as your life can be used tactically to promote a cause you believe in.

It is not death, it is dying that alarms me.

I balanced all, brought all to mind, the years to come seemed waste of breath, a waste of breath the years behind, in balance with this life, this death.

Death is just life’s next big adventure.

I would rather die a meaningful death than to live a meaningless life.

Generally speaking, the Way of the warrior is resolute acceptance of death.