death Quotes

Though I am a Catholic, a professing one, I have serious doubts about the survival of the human personality after death.

I’m death obsessed. You know, I have death all over my house. I have a stuffed two headed sheep!

Of course, we avoid death. To know something is inevitable is one thing. To accept, to truly feel it… that’s different.

We all labor against our own cure, for death is the cure of all diseases.

Life itself is but the shadow of death, and souls departed but the shadows of the living.

What is ironic is that Allen Ginsberg’s importance was in its twilight for so many years that it took his death to bring it to the front page. He electrified an entire world!

When I see someone who is starved, they don’t look alert. They don’t have boundless energy. If you’re too skinny, it looks like you’re near death.

American Horror’ goes for a very specific kind of Seventies suburban downer ambience – ‘Flowers in the Attic’ paperbacks, Black Sabbath album covers and late-night flicks like ‘Let’s Scare Jessica to Death.’ It even has ‘Go Ask Alice’-era urban legends.

People want the right to die at a time of their own choosing. Too many families have watched helplessly as a relative dies slowly, longing for death.

The study of consciousness that can extend beyond the body is extremely important for the issue of survival, since it is this part of human personality that would be likely to survive death.