dad Quotes

My dad’s Irish music was such a huge influence.

Well my dad was a pretty good player at one stage and my two older brothers played golf as well. So there were always golf clubs flying around the house.

My background is basically scientific math. My Dad was a physicist, so I have it in my blood somewhere. Scientific method is very important to me. I think anything that contradicts it is probably not true.

My father was Catholic, my mother was Protestant, and because of that I got Christened in both churches, so I’ve got all these names… but my Dad always called me Mick.

When I was a teenager, my dad used to call me ‘Hollywood’ because I wore sunglasses all the time, even at night. Cue song.

My dad’s one of my biggest heroes. I also think Paul Newman’s an inspiration. I know a lot of people say that, but I love that he’s a great role model and a humanitarian. I admire people who don’t necessarily want to change the world, but try to make it a better environment.

He was a manager, one of the singers, I guess talent coordinator for the local talent in Harlem. His name was Lover Patterson. He was living right across the street from where my dad had his restaurant. I guess he saw a lot of kids come in, a lot of my buddies.

My mother’s incredibly giving, almost too giving at times. And, my dad is a real logical person. He’s got logic for every situation. They’ve been married for 24 years, so there was that stability, also. I really learned to think on my own at a very young age.

I’m left handed, but my dad taught me to play guitar right-handed.

My mum and my dad are the sweetest couple.