Courage Quotes

Have the courage to face a difficulty lest it kick you harder than you bargain for.

To him that waits all things reveal themselves, provided that he has the courage not to deny, in the darkness, what he has seen in the light.

There’s no mystique to acting. It’s only common sense – and a bit of courage.

Resignation is the courage of Christian sorrow.

There can be a fundamental gulf of gracelessness in a human heart which neither our love nor our courage can bridge.

I know that if I’d had to go and take an exam for acting, I wouldn’t have got anywhere. You don’t take exams for acting, you take your courage.

You cannot build character and courage by taking away a man’s initiative and independence.

I want to encourage our people, to educate our people to have the courage to understand and fight for their rights.

If you set as your goal to roll back the size of government, you have an obligation to answer the tough questions and show real courage, not just appeal to ideology. Treat the voters like adults.

I emphasize… that the Harrimans showed great courage and loyalty and confidence in us, because three or four of us were really running the business, the day to day business.