change Quotes

The Howard Hughes I knew began to change after his plane crash in 1941.

I’d be happy to be taken as a woman – and that’s what I was initially trying to do when I started throwing on dresses and stuff. But that wasn’t going to happen because everyone kept calling me sir. So I thought I’d change the method and just start wearing what I wanted to wear.

Governments cannot make marriages or turn feckless individuals into responsible citizens. That needs another kind of change agent.

I want art to make me think. In order to do that, it may piss me off, or make me uncomfortable. That promotes awareness and change, or at least some discussion.

Much can and must be done by governments, but they cannot of themselves change lives.

Europe is dying. That is one of the unsayable truths of our time. We are undergoing the moral equivalent of climate change and no one is talking about it.

I do genuinely believe that the political system is not linear. When it reaches a tipping point fashioned by a critical mass of opinion, the slow pace of change we’re used to will no longer be the norm. I see a lot of signs every day that we’re moving closer and closer to that tipping point.

There are those people who are in your corner no matter what, you can’t do any wrong, even when you do wrong. And then there are those people that no matter what you do they are going to dislike you and that’s not going to change.

Pick up a rifle and you change instantly from a subject to a citizen.

There are many challenges, there are many obstacles let us try to change the obstacles to advantages.