car Quotes

The car business is a lot like football. In football, you have to win once a week. In the car business, you have to win every day.

I am an artist. The track is my canvas, and the car is my brush.

He’s computerized, but I won’t let him come on cold. I created KITT. I understand the personality of the car.

If you don’t drink, smoke, or drive a car, you’re a tax evader.

I wanted to end my life so bad and was in my car ready to go down that ramp into the water, and I did go part way, but I stopped. I went again and stopped. I then got out of the car and stood by the car a nervous wreck.

At the end of the day, my natural habitat is in a car and I am happiest in that environment.

I think it’s particularly a distinctively American concept that resonates with American culture through biker culture. A motorcycle is an independent thing. You’re like, ‘I don’t want to ride in a car with this person. I want to be independent and ride by myself. But, let’s ride in a group. Let’s be independent, together.’

Get in the race car do what I do then go home. We don’t have freedom to do anything anymore.

I compare it to being in a car accident. There’s so much adrenaline rushing through you that you remember being in the accident but you don’t remember any of the details.

I assure you that the training that you get in a midget, in a sprint car and perhaps in a Silver Crown car is really the kind of experience that makes you into a damn good race driver.