birthday Quotes

Brilliantly lit from stem to stern, she looked like a sagging birthday cake.

I used to go down every year for the remembrance of Elvis’ birthday. Memphis State College invited me to sit in the auditorium and speak to the people for one of those Elvis days.

And I was very shy as a kid if you sang me ‘Happy Birthday,’ I would cry. Quite shy. So the idea of being an actor, much less a model, was just out of this world.

I sing a little bit. I got a guitar for my 16th birthday.

I’ve looked after my money. As I started working around my third birthday, my first check went straight to the bank.

With a recent birthday, I’ve been acting now for twenty years.

I had arranged a birthday party for him and my children, who are all Aquarians. Instead, we got married. I ran out of excuses. It was just us and my children.

Lucy took care of me on the set, and made sure that none of the crew cussed around me. She also had birthday parties for me and made sure that they were well attended.

There weren’t any astronauts until I was about 10. Yuri Gagarin went into space right around my 10th birthday.

The turning point was when I hit my 30th birthday. I thought, if really want to write, it’s time to start. I picked up the book How to Write a Novel in 90 Days. The author said to just write three pages a day, and I figured, I can do this. I never got past Page 3 of that book.