best Quotes

I don’t think I ever got the hang of the writers’ room. I love collaborating with people, but I really do my best work alone, and I think I would want to – if I did something again, I think I’d want to take total ownership the way Aaron Sorkin or David Kelley does.

One of the best parts of growing older? You can flirt all you like since you’ve become harmless.

Once you are labeled ‘the best’ you want to stay up there, and you can’t do it by loafing around.

Example is the best precept.

For me, the best times are always going to be the most intense, the ones with the highest highs and the lowest lows.

The best thing you can do is find a person who loves you for exactly what you are.

I was just doing my job in the ring and doing my best to make people happy.

Do the best that you can in the place where you are, and be kind.

Yeah, I try to be the best example I can be for young girls just as far as my person goes – just to uphold a good image.

Life is best when you are in love.