It absolutely helped – to write the father in both ‘Juicy’ and ‘Beasts,’ I had to see the whole story from his point of view. All of a sudden I understood more of what my own father must be going through – the fear, the frustration, the anger… the hope that he’ll leave a legacy.
I also had to work through the violation of my date rape, my unhealthy relationships with men, my anger toward the people involved in the scandal, and those who exploited me afterwards.
Fairest and dearest, your wrath and anger are more heavy than I can bear but learn that I cannot tell what you wish me to say without sinning against my honour too grievously.
My heart has been heavy and I have deliberated within my own conscience, knowing that my decision should not come out of my initial emotion of anger toward the President for such reckless behavior, but should be based on the facts.
I had a lot of anger inside me and that came out at times that were not particularly advantageous to me career-wise.
Our task, of course, is to transmute the anger that is affliction into the anger that is determination to bring about change. I think, in fact, that one could give that as a definition of revolution.
Bosnia is under my skin. It’s the place you cannot leave behind. I was obsessed by the nightmare of it all there was this sense of guilt, and an anger that has become something much deeper over these last years.
The American people are smart. They’ve gotten sick of the predictable hyperpartisan talking points and canned anger.