We now have an opportunity, though, to do something we didn’t do in the industrial age, and that is to get a leg up on this, to bring the public in quickly, to have an informed debate.
I’ve spent as much as 30 grand on a watch but it’s not about flaunting my wealth. I don’t have many extravagances but watches are my biggest one. I must have 30 of them now. I’ve been collecting since the age of nine, when I won a black TAG in a karting event.
We were making the first step out of the age of chemistry and physics, and into the age of biology.
Even in this day and age, if you’re not married, there are people who are like, ‘Awww! Don’t worry, it’ll happen for you someday.’
I have worked very hard on being aware of my childhood but moving forward and not letting it bring me down emotionally. That is a hard thing – especially when you have children of your own and you remember what happened to you at that age.
I vividly remember being 14. That was the age when I started to get happy: I started being a writer and stopped being a loser.
The balance of private good and general welfare is at the bottom of civilized morals but the morals of the Heroic Age are founded on individuality, and on nothing else.