
An artist must be a reactionary. He has to stand out against the tenor of the age and not go flopping along.

Government is necessary for our survival. We need government in order to survive. The Founding Fathers created a special place for government. It is called the Constitution.

Politics is not about money.

Of all the things I’ve done, the most vital is coordinating those who work with me and aiming their efforts at a certain goal.

There is a thin line that separates laughter and pain, comedy and tragedy, humor and hurt.

My goal in ‘Live to Cook’ is to make great food more approachable for home cooks.

Life must be lived and curiosity kept alive. One must never, for whatever reason, turn his back on life.

Fair peace becomes men ferocious anger belongs to beasts.

There are people who have money and people who are rich.

Well, clearly Apple is a role model of the American innovation whereby it produced all these products – iPod, iPhone, iPad – that are really now dominating all the technology arena in the world.

In emerging democracies like Russia, in authoritarian states like Iran or even Yugoslavia, journalists play a vital role in civil society. In fact, they form the very basis of those new democracies and civil societies.

He that hopes no good fears no ill.

When I first became famous, I didn’t know if I could go where I wanted to because I didn’t know how people were going to act. Some folks would scream and holler, and I didn’t know what to do with that.

Many people want the government to protect the consumer. A much more urgent problem is to protect the consumer from the government.

I want the Arabic Granada, that which is art, which is all that seems to me beauty and emotion.

Religion was used as an ideology, as a system of control. When they forced the veil upon women, they were using it as an instrument of control in the same way that in Mao’s China people were wearing Mao jackets and women were not supposed to wear any makeup.

The ability to simplify means to eliminate the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak.

Computers make me totally blank out.

I want to stay healthy, keep fit, eat well, keep a low profile and be a good dad.

I’m one of those people you hate because of genetics. It is the truth.

I think the issue is that Americans traveling abroad if gotten into legal problems should have access to a fair trial and an impartial tribunal.

I don’t know if Jim was a major part of that or not. He is one of a small group of real storytellers. He has enormous imagination and ability to write. I’m glad he’s coming back. It’s going to be good for the show.

As a boy, I’d always had an interest in theater. But the idea at my school was that drama and music were to round out the man. It wasn’t what one did for a living. I got over that.

Virtue is not photogenic. What is it to be a nice guy? To be nothing, that’s what. A big fat zero with a smile for everybody.

No amount of skillful invention can replace the essential element of imagination.

I’ve told my children that when I die, to release balloons in the sky to celebrate that I graduated. For me, death is a graduation.

What’s very important is that we build a space that matters in the world, one that operates according to democratic rules, and that small and large countries enjoy a good relationship.

I’m going to try to enjoy the All-Star break, hope my players reflect on what happened the first half of the season, come back with a different attitude, try to find our solution on how to win it.

The most dangerous criminal now is the entirely lawless modern philosopher. Compared to him, burglars and bigamists are essentially moral men.

There is a measure needing courage to adopt and enforce it, which I believe to be of virtue sufficient to redeem the nation in this its darkest hour: one only I know of no other to which we may rationally trust for relief from impending dangers without and within.

By climbing a steeper road, the value and appreciation Delaware State students took and continue to take from their education and their experiences is just as great, if not greater, than students attending ivy league schools.

No marriage can stand up under the strain of incessant association.

I couldn’t care less about fashion. If I had taken any clothes home, they would have remained in my closet for the rest of their existence.

It has to be a very specific role for me because of my accent. I can’t complain I’ve been working since I got to LA. But it is hard. I have no training as an actress so I try whatever I do like school, because I’m learning.

For some reason, the evolutionists have not come up with an evolution-based explanation for why human beings react so powerfully to music. But surely they will.

In a bad marriage, friends are the invisible glue. If we have enough friends, we may go on for years, intending to leave, talking about leaving – instead of actually getting up and leaving.

I have found having my dad as my North Star has worked well for me.

When a man laughs at his troubles he loses a great many friends. They never forgive the loss of their prerogative.

I’ve spent a lot of Thanksgivings on the road with my band, so anytime that I can spend Thanksgiving with my family in a traditional aspect, eating sweet potatoes and cranberries and stuffing and all the trappings of Thanksgiving and then get on a treadmill the next day extra long, I’m happy.

Everybody thinks that equality comes from identifying people, and that’s not where equality comes from.

One of the glories of New York is its ethnic food, and only McDonald’s and Burger King equalize us all.

In mathematics the art of proposing a question must be held of higher value than solving it.

What we need are not prohibitory marriage laws, but a reformed society, an educated public opinion which will teach individual duty in these matters.

One is not idle because one is absorbed. There is both visible and invisible labor. To contemplate is to toil, to think is to do. The crossed arms work, the clasped hands act. The eyes upturned to Heaven are an act of creation.

To have ego means to believe in your own strength. And to also be open to other people’s views. It is to be open, not closed. So, yes, my ego is big, but it’s also very small in some areas. My ego is responsible for my doing what I do – bad or good.

I like progress but I hate change.

Be sure what you want and be sure about yourself. Fashion is not just beauty, it’s about good attitude. You have to believe in yourself and be strong.

I think we are a product of all our experiences.

The first trip I remember taking was on the train from Virginia up to New York City, watching the summertime countryside rolling past the window. They used white linen tablecloths in the dining car in those days, and real silver. I love trains to this day. Maybe that was the beginning of my fixation with leisurely modes of travel.

I’ve had quite a lot of luck with dreams. I’ve often awoken in the night with a phrase or even a whole song in my head.

I long for the raised voice, the howl of rage or love.