Quotes by V. S. Naipaul

One must always try to see the truth of a situation – it makes things universal.

It is important not to trust people too much.

When I learnt to write I became my own master, I became very strong, and that strength is with me to this very day.

Trinidad may seem complex, but to anyone who knows it, it is a simple, colonial, philistine society.

Home is, I suppose just a child’s idea. A house at night, and a lamp in the house. A place to feel safe.

I always knew who I was and where I had come from. I was not looking for a home in other people’s lands.

Great writing can be done in biography, history, art.

To be converted you have to destroy your past, destroy your history. You have to stamp on it, you have to say ‘my ancestral culture does not exist, it doesn’t matter.’

It’s very attractive to people to be a victim. Instead of having to think out the whole situation, about history and your group and what you are doing… if you begin from the point of view of being a victim, you’ve got it half-made. I mean intellectually.

Africa has no future.