Quotes by Thomas Jefferson

Our country is now taking so steady a course as to show by what road it will pass to destruction, to wit: by consolidation of power first, and then corruption, its necessary consequence.

The constitutions of most of our States assert that all power is inherent in the people that… it is their right and duty to be at all times armed.

Politics is such a torment that I advise everyone I love not to mix with it.

I have no ambition to govern men it is a painful and thankless office.

Whenever a man has cast a longing eye on offices, a rottenness begins in his conduct.

Peace, commerce and honest friendship with all nations entangling alliances with none.

Peace and abstinence from European interferences are our objects, and so will continue while the present order of things in America remain uninterrupted.

Peace and friendship with all mankind is our wisest policy, and I wish we may be permitted to pursue it.

A strong body makes the mind strong. As to the species of exercises, I advise the gun. While this gives moderate exercise to the body, it gives boldness, enterprise and independence to the mind. Games played with the ball, and others of that nature, are too violent for the body and stamp no character on the mind. Let your gun therefore be your constant companion of your walks.

Do you want to know who you are? Don’t ask. Act! Action will delineate and define you.