Women are always most observed when they seem themselves least to observe, or to lay out for observation.
From sixteen to twenty, all women, kept in humor by their hopes and by their attractions, appear to be good-natured.
Women are so much in love with compliments that rather than want them, they will compliment one another, yet mean no more by it than the men do.
There is a pride, a self-love, in human minds that will seldom be kept so low as to make men and women humbler than they ought to be.
The plays and sports of children are as salutary to them as labor and work are to grown persons.
If the education and studies of children were suited to their inclinations and capacities, many would be made useful members of society that otherwise would make no figure in it.
Vast is the field of Science. The more a man knows, the more he will find he has to know.