Quotes by Rick Perry

Reforming public education, cutting property taxes, fixing adult and child protective services and funding our budget can all occur when Democrats and Republicans engage in consensus and cooperation – not cynicism and combat.

And I think most people in this country want to see a president that’s got the courage to say we’re going to cut the tax burden, and reduce the regulatory climate, and we’re going to get Americans working.

It is time to change our policy of appeasement toward the Palestinians, to strengthen our ties with the nation of Israel.

We need to stop apologizing for celebrating life. We need to stop apologizing for wanting to protect an individual’s right to build a business.

Somebody has to tell the E.P.A. that we don’t need you monkeying around and fiddling around and getting in our business with every kind of regulation you can dream up. You’re doing nothing more than killing jobs. It’s a cemetery for jobs at the E.P.A.

Democracy functions best when we have an active citizenry.