Faith is the first step to understanding. Either it’s the Word of an infallible God, the fallible words of men, or faith in what you personally believe. You’ve got to have faith in something. Believe me.
Most atheists bristle at the thought that atheism has anything to do with faith, but not Penn Jillette.
If I want to understand the laws of physics I have to first believe what I read about physics. I have to have faith in what I read.
Christians must share their faith in obedience to the Great Commission, because we are only seeing the fruit of sin this side of death.
In the past, missionaries have traveled to far countries with the message of the gospel – with great hardship and often with the loss of life. In contrast, we can reach millions instantly from the comfort of our homes by merely hitting the ‘send’ button on our computers, or with iPads, or phones.
Every song has a composer, every book has an author, every car has a maker, every painting has a painter, and every building has a builder. So it isn’t irrational to take this simple logic a little further and say that nature must have had a Maker. It would be irrational to believe that it made itself.