Quotes by Nathan Fillion

I’m actually reading ‘World War Z’ again! It’s incredibly realistic and it’s written as an oral history through interviews with different characters. Max Brooks wrote this book in so many different voices. There are about forty or so. It’s incredible. When I finish ‘World War Z’ I’m going to go back and start again on the ‘Game of Thrones’ series.

I was attending the University of Alberta. I was going to be a high school teacher, like my parents. I failed – no, I didn’t fail a class, I just barely passed. I really didn’t try. It was Canadian history, through the plays of the time. My God, those were boring plays.

I kind of fell backwards into acting. I was studying to be a high school teacher. I look now and I understand completely, or actually barely, how much work it is to be a teacher. It’s an incredible amount of work.

I consider ‘Dr. Horrible’ a tremendous success. The fact that it won an Emmy I just think lends validity to what we were doing and the point we were trying to make: taking the power into someone else’s hands and changing the world.

I got amazing training both with Theatre Sports… back in Edmonton, Alberta – I can’t give those people enough credit – and the daytime drama I did. Incredible training, both of them.

I’ll never look down on and I love running into actors who say ‘Oh yeah, I did a soap.’ I say ‘Tell me which one!’ It’s like being a member of a secret society.

I’ve got a full plate, yes I do. That iPod, that’s nice. A phone recorder? Nicely done. All right I’m a bit of a tech geek. I have a subscription to Popular Science and I keep up on all this stuff.

I like doing things where I can get dirty, work with my hands, and use power tools. Last weekend, I did some grouting.

You want to put out a TV show? If you have the money to do it on your own, by yourself, and you have a TV network, you can do it by yourself. But the nature of the beast is, art needs finance. That’s how this industry works. So until the Internet becomes our source of entertainment – and watch it, I believe it will – this is how things go.

It’s so great in Hollywood now. You have people past 40 sitting and talking about serious stuff, writing and making movies and TV, but there’s laser pistols and superheroes and alien monsters involved. It’s viable and mainstream.